Brahmi-Rediscovering the Lost Script.


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About the Book:

Brahmi is probably the ancient script known to India, majorly seen during 4th – 3rd century BCE, during the reign of Asoka the great. Although the oldest pictorial writing system known to us is the Indus Valley Hieroglyphs, they cannot be considered as a true script. Recent archaeological excavations in Tamilnadu have also indicated that Brahmi had a long history before king Devanampiyadasi Asoka. “Brahmi script” is the mother of almost all Indic Scripts as well as scripts of other eastern Asian countries like Sumatra, Java, Bali, China and Malaysia. The book is a comprehensive analysis of the Brahmi as a script in addition to covering all major Brahmi inscriptions found in India. This book also talks about ancient writing styles and how they further developed into various other descendants. Numerous historical tidbits have been pieced together for the sake of maintaining continuity and interest. The challenging task of translating large amount of text into visual data has also been achieved through plethora of photographs, illustrations, and chronological timelines.

Ankita Roy & Malay Mandal

SKU: Brahmi_1 Category:


Brahmi Script Book

“The Indian Alphabet is a marvellous and magnificent phenomenon quite unrivalled in the world. It presents a symmetrical combination of symbols designed by skilled grammarians to indicate various shades of sounds and is grouped in scientific order.” By Robert Needham Cust

Writing about Brahmi, Macdonell commented, “This is the alphabet which is recognized in Panini’s great Sanskrit grammar. It not only represents all the sounds of the Sanskrit language, but is arranged on a thoroughly scientific method, the simple vowels (short and long) coming first, then the diphthongs, and lastly the consonants in uniform groups according to the organs of speech with which they are pronounced. Thus the dental consonants appear together as ‘t’, ‘th’, ‘d’, ‘dh’, ‘n’ and the labials as ‘p’, ‘ph’, ‘b’, ‘bh’, ‘m’. We Europeans, on the other hand, 2500 years later, and in a scientific age, still employ an alphabet which is not only inadequate to represent all the sounds of our languages, but even preserve the random order in which vowel and consonants are jumbled
up as they were in the Greek adaption of the primitive Semitic arrangement of 3000 years ago.”

About the Authors:

ANKITA ROY, currently teaches at IIT Hyderabad –  a graphic designer by profession did her graduation in Graphic Design from National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and
masters in Visual Communication from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. She is an avid nature lover and a budding ornithologist. Other than her professional commitments, she spends her time travelling through the uncharted.

MALAY MANDAL, an electrical engineer by accident, is smitten by his love for India and has been travelling across the length and breadth
of the country to discover and document the many myriad hues of our microcosmic natural and cultural heritage. He is also a photography enthusiast.

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Additional information

Weight 900 g
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in


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