The Design Journey of Prof. Sudhakar Nadkarni
About the Book:
Rationale behind the series: ‘The Design Journey’
This book series hopes to acquaint design students with those who shaped the discipline in our country. It may inspire both students and practitioners of design to find their own purpose and a unique voice. It may help design schools course-correct along their own path, bringing them back to the anchor of why do we do, what we do in the context of design and current times in a developing nation.
This book is a long conversation with Prof. Nadkarni about the birth and evolution of design education in India and where his personal journey falls along the continuum. It is peppered with his humour and anecdotes. This book is not an academic or a historical discourse on design education in India. However, it does question whether design education today largely caters to create labour for the western imagination-shaped by the global economic forces; a luxury for the elite few within our country or is it democratic in its nature and cultural identity as was initially imagined. Is design education solving the wicked problems of 1.3 billion Indians?
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